RDA Facilitates 2024 Partnership & Leadership Institute in Minnesota


September 10, 2024 — In August, the Residency Design Academy (RDA) team convened an in-person Partnership and Leadership Institute for six Cargill grant recipients that are working to build new teacher residencies at their institutions: University of St. Thomas, Bethel University, Metro State University, the University of Minnesota, Southwest Minnesota State University, and St. Cloud State University. The institute was also attended by leadership from the Minnesota Department of Education, the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board, and Minnesota’s Department of Labor and Industry who are advising programs on applying to become registered apprenticeships. In total, over 40 people from 20+ institutions were in attendance at the campus of the University of Minnesota.

Partners worked to develop shared missions and visions, set programmatic goals, and divide up roles and responsibilities for their new teacher residencies with guidance from their statewide partners and NCTR. Our team was blown away by the dedication of everyone who attended and enthused by all that they accomplished. We’re looking forward to working with and learning from them throughout the rest of their Residency Design Academy year!