Levers for Teacher Residencies
Since its inception in 2007, NCTR has tied its work to standards for teacher residencies.
These levers build upon NCTR’s past standards and reflect the knowledge gained through working with dozens of high-performing residency programs in response to research-based practice findings focused on recruiting, preparing, and retaining highly effective day-one ready teachers.
Currently, the United States stands at an important turning point for both policy and practice in the area of teacher education. There were just a handful of teacher residencies around the United States when NCTR began its work. There are now over 100 programs around the country. As the teacher residency movement grows, NCTR is steadfast in its commitment to building and strengthening high-quality teacher residency programs to prepare, support, and retain more effective educators who represent and value the communities they serve.
In 2021, NCTR revised its standards. Now called the Levers for Teacher Residencies, NCTR’s consulting for emerging and existing teacher residency programs is based on the levers and designed to ensure successful implementation of programs using the interconnected eight levers below.