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From the Field: Perspectives on Launching a New Residency
Stakeholders from California–including a district superintendent, a school of education dean, and professors of education–lend their thoughts and opinions on…
Stakeholder Perception Report – Full Report (2017)
Each year, the National Center for Teacher Residencies surveys residents, mentors, graduates, and principals to collect evidence of the effectiveness…
Overview Deck: Improving the Financial Sustainability of NCTR Partner Programs (Supplement to Design for Impact to Guidance Report)
Design for Impact is comprised of a guidance document, an overview slide deck, and an interactive spreadsheet that makes financial…
Design for Impact (PowerPoint)
Design for Impact also has an accompanying Power Point, for presenting its concepts and strategies to staff or partner organizations.…
Design for Impact – Designing a Residency Program for Long-Term Financial Sustainability
For more than a decade teacher residencies have prepared classroom-ready teachers for hard-to-staff subjects and high-need schools. Across the country,…