Research and Publications
Explore NCTR reports, news, press releases, and videos.
Building Effective Teacher Residencies
Building Effective Teacher Residencies examines the characteristics of two highly successful teacher residency programs in NCTR’s Network—the Aspire Teacher Residency…
Urban Teacher Residency United: Measuring UTRU Network Program Impact 2014
Measuring Impact 2014 features four programs’ impact data and a selection of network wide indicators. Moving forward, future reports will…
2013-14 UTRU Network Partner Program Report
A collection of data from UTRU’s 17 Network partners representing the collective impact that residencies are making on high-need students…
2013 Network Trends Report
This report highlights key findings from UTRU’s mid-year and end-year surveys.
National Teacher Residency Network Hosts Data Literacy Symposium
Urban Teacher Residency United (UTRU) hosts its annual symposium May 7-8, focused on the role of data literacy in developing…