Released January 25, 2024 — In this report, the National Center for Teacher Residencies (NCTR) aims to take stock of the current policy environment for teacher residencies across the United States. Since 2007, NCTR has been developing, launching, supporting, and accelerating the impact of teacher residency programs – which are community-based clinical preparation programs developed in partnership with school districts and anchored in their context. Teacher residencies are an important and growing teacher preparation and support pathway that can help address a range of challenges faced by states across the country, including shortages of teachers in high-need schools and districts, educator satisfaction and retention, and the diversity and quality of the teacher workforce.
To help encourage greater state support for this critical teacher preparation pathway, in 2017, NCTR released a report that provided guidance to state leaders for developing state policies that incorporate teacher residencies and other clinical-based preparation models into their educator preparation and support systems. Since NCTR’s 2017 report, the teacher residency movement has gained significant ground. One of the primary facilitators of that growth has been state policies focused on teacher residencies.
Read the Executive Summary.