CTC Announces $350 Million in Funding to Support California Education


October 4, 2022The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) is running three competitive Request for Applications (RFA) to help distribute $350 million in funding from the California state budget to enable school districts, county education offices, and institutions of higher education to partner together to build, implement, and expand teacher residency programs. At the heart of these funding opportunities is the goal to address the disproportionality between students of color and teachers of color. The RFA also requires partners to use data and build, expand, or implement a teacher residency that addresses local teacher shortage areas.

NCTR is thrilled to see such immense support for residencies, especially in a state where we have targeted our support since 2010 to help build, launch and support teacher residency programs. Currently, NCTR is supporting several teacher residency programs across the state either through our NCTR Teacher Residency Design Academy (RDA), the Residency Lab, NCTR Network membership or through a Tailored Consulting package. Please reach out if you are interested in learning more about NCTR’s support to California Teacher Residency Programs by contacting Chief Innovation Officer Jill Pitner at jpitner@nctresidencies.org.

Read the overviews for the 3 types of RFAs that the CTC is running!